# Setup - Run only once per Kernel App
%conda install openjdk -y
# install PySpark
%pip install pyspark==3.2.0
# restart kernel
from IPython.core.display import HTML
Collecting package metadata (current_repodata.json): done Solving environment: \ The environment is inconsistent, please check the package plan carefully The following packages are causing the inconsistency: - defaults/linux-64::anaconda-client==1.7.2=py37_0 - defaults/noarch::anaconda-project==0.8.4=py_0 - defaults/linux-64::bokeh==1.4.0=py37_0 - defaults/noarch::dask==2.11.0=py_0 - defaults/linux-64::distributed==2.11.0=py37_0 - defaults/linux-64::spyder==4.0.1=py37_0 - defaults/linux-64::watchdog==0.10.2=py37_0 failed with initial frozen solve. Retrying with flexible solve. Solving environment: failed with repodata from current_repodata.json, will retry with next repodata source. Collecting package metadata (repodata.json): done Solving environment: / The environment is inconsistent, please check the package plan carefully The following packages are causing the inconsistency: - defaults/linux-64::anaconda-client==1.7.2=py37_0 - defaults/noarch::anaconda-project==0.8.4=py_0 - defaults/linux-64::bokeh==1.4.0=py37_0 - defaults/noarch::dask==2.11.0=py_0 - defaults/linux-64::distributed==2.11.0=py37_0 - defaults/linux-64::spyder==4.0.1=py37_0 - defaults/linux-64::watchdog==0.10.2=py37_0 done ## Package Plan ## environment location: /opt/conda added / updated specs: - openjdk The following packages will be downloaded: package | build ---------------------------|----------------- ca-certificates-2023.08.22 | h06a4308_0 123 KB certifi-2022.12.7 | py37h06a4308_0 150 KB conda-22.9.0 | py37h06a4308_0 878 KB openjdk-8.0.152 | h7b6447c_3 57.4 MB openssl-1.1.1w | h7f8727e_0 3.7 MB pyyaml-5.3.1 | py37h7b6447c_0 181 KB ------------------------------------------------------------ Total: 62.4 MB The following NEW packages will be INSTALLED: openjdk pkgs/main/linux-64::openjdk-8.0.152-h7b6447c_3 None pyyaml pkgs/main/linux-64::pyyaml-5.3.1-py37h7b6447c_0 None The following packages will be UPDATED: ca-certificates conda-forge::ca-certificates-2023.7.2~ --> pkgs/main::ca-certificates-2023.08.22-h06a4308_0 None openssl conda-forge::openssl-1.1.1l-h7f98852_0 --> pkgs/main::openssl-1.1.1w-h7f8727e_0 None The following packages will be SUPERSEDED by a higher-priority channel: certifi conda-forge/noarch::certifi-2023.7.22~ --> pkgs/main/linux-64::certifi-2022.12.7-py37h06a4308_0 None conda conda-forge::conda-22.9.0-py37h89c186~ --> pkgs/main::conda-22.9.0-py37h06a4308_0 None Downloading and Extracting Packages openjdk-8.0.152 | 57.4 MB | ##################################### | 100% pyyaml-5.3.1 | 181 KB | ##################################### | 100% conda-22.9.0 | 878 KB | ##################################### | 100% certifi-2022.12.7 | 150 KB | ##################################### | 100% openssl-1.1.1w | 3.7 MB | ##################################### | 100% ca-certificates-2023 | 123 KB | ##################################### | 100% Preparing transaction: done Verifying transaction: done Executing transaction: done Retrieving notices: ...working... done Note: you may need to restart the kernel to use updated packages. Collecting pyspark==3.2.0 Using cached pyspark-3.2.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl Collecting py4j== (from pyspark==3.2.0) Using cached py4j- (198 kB) DEPRECATION: pyodbc 4.0.0-unsupported has a non-standard version number. pip 23.3 will enforce this behaviour change. A possible replacement is to upgrade to a newer version of pyodbc or contact the author to suggest that they release a version with a conforming version number. Discussion can be found at https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/12063 Installing collected packages: py4j, pyspark Successfully installed py4j- pyspark-3.2.0 WARNING: Running pip as the 'root' user can result in broken permissions and conflicting behaviour with the system package manager. It is recommended to use a virtual environment instead: https://pip.pypa.io/warnings/venv [notice] A new release of pip is available: 23.2.1 -> 23.3.1 [notice] To update, run: pip install --upgrade pip Note: you may need to restart the kernel to use updated packages.
# Import pyspark and build Spark session
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
spark = (
.config("spark.jars.packages", "org.apache.hadoop:hadoop-aws:3.2.2")
¶We are going to move the above processing code in a Python file and then submit that file to SageMaker Processing Job's PySparkProcessor
!mkdir -p ./code
%%writefile ./code/process.py
import os
import logging
import argparse
# Import pyspark and build Spark session
from pyspark.sql.functions import *
from pyspark.sql.types import (
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
from pyspark.sql.functions import col
logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s,%(levelname)s,%(module)s,%(filename)s,%(lineno)d,%(message)s', level=logging.DEBUG)
logger = logging.getLogger()
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="app inputs and outputs")
parser.add_argument("--s3_dataset_path", type=str, help="Path of dataset in S3")
parser.add_argument("--s3_output_bucket", type=str, help="s3 output bucket")
parser.add_argument("--s3_output_prefix", type=str, help="s3 output prefix")
parser.add_argument("--col_name_for_filtering", type=str, help="Name of the column to filter")
parser.add_argument("--values_to_keep", type=str, help="comma separated list of values to keep in the filtered set")
args = parser.parse_args()
spark = SparkSession.builder.appName("PySparkApp").getOrCreate()
logger.info(f"spark version = {spark.version}")
# This is needed to save RDDs which is the only way to write nested Dataframes into CSV format
sc = spark.sparkContext
"mapred.output.committer.class", "org.apache.hadoop.mapred.FileOutputCommitter"
# Downloading the data from S3 into a Dataframe
logger.info(f"going to read {args.s3_dataset_path}")
df = spark.read.parquet(args.s3_dataset_path, header=True)
logger.info(f"finished reading files...")
# filter the dataframe to only keep the values of interest
vals = [s.strip() for s in args.values_to_keep.split(",")]
df_filtered = df.where(col(args.col_name_for_filtering).isin(vals))
# save the filtered dataframes so that these files can now be used for future analysis
s3_path = f"s3://{args.s3_output_bucket}/{args.s3_output_prefix}"
logger.info(f"going to write data for {vals} in {s3_path}")
logger.info(f"shape of the df_filtered dataframe is {df_filtered.count():,}x{len(df_filtered.columns)}")
logger.info(f"all done...")
if __name__ == "__main__":
Overwriting ./code/process.py
Now submit this code to SageMaker Processing Job.
import time
import sagemaker
from sagemaker.spark.processing import PySparkProcessor
# Setup the PySpark processor to run the job. Note the instance type and instance count parameters. SageMaker will create these many instances of this type for the spark job.
role = sagemaker.get_execution_role()
spark_processor = PySparkProcessor(
# s3 paths
session = sagemaker.Session()
bucket = session.default_bucket()
output_prefix_logs = f"spark_logs"
# modify this comma separated list to choose the subreddits of interest
subreddits = "soccer"
configuration = [
"Classification": "spark-defaults",
"Properties": {"spark.executor.memory": "12g", "spark.executor.cores": "4"},
# the dataset contains data for these 3 years
year_list = [2023]
CPU times: user 2.36 s, sys: 208 ms, total: 2.57 s Wall time: 2.75 s
import sagemaker
session = sagemaker.Session()
bucket = session.default_bucket()
output_prefix_data_comments = "project/comments/yyyy=*"
s3_path = f"s3a://{bucket}/{output_prefix_data_comments}"
#s3_path = "s3a://sagemaker-us-east-1-038932893404/project/comments/yyyy=2021/part-00000-90796409-5783-4705-92c0-27c27eda8c4c-c000.snappy.parquet"
print(f"reading comments from {s3_path}")
comments = spark.read.parquet(s3_path, header=True)
print(f"shape of the comments dataframe is {comments.count():,}x{len(comments.columns)}")
reading comments from s3a://sagemaker-us-east-1-019290627849/project/comments/yyyy=* shape of the comments dataframe is 2,255,511x21 CPU times: user 186 ms, sys: 30.9 ms, total: 217 ms Wall time: 5min 29s
df_soccer = comments.filter(comments["subreddit"] == "soccer").\
select("body", "created_utc").cache()
# Generate a column indicating the hour of posts
from pyspark.sql.functions import col, hour
df_soccer = df_soccer.withColumn("hour", hour(col("created_utc"))).cache()
+----+------+ |hour| count| +----+------+ | 12| 89497| | 22|136043| | 13|107909| | 16|148760| | 6| 23657| | 3| 26969| | 20|192923| | 5| 22119| | 19|143751| | 15|144369| | 17|157456| | 9| 48708| | 4| 23954| | 8| 36536| | 23| 75739| | 7| 28692| | 10| 60532| | 21|221815| | 11| 73293| | 14|147119| +----+------+ only showing top 20 rows
hour_count = df_soccer.groupBy('hour').count().toPandas()
hour_count = hour_count.sort_values(by='hour')
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# plot lineplot to show the comment number change of a day
plt.figure(figsize=(20, 12))
sns.lineplot(x='hour', y='count', data=hour_count, palette='Set2', linewidth=5)
plt.title('Number of Comment by Hour', fontsize=40)
plt.xlabel('Hour', fontsize=28)
plt.ylabel('Count', fontsize=28)
plt.tick_params(axis='both', labelsize=24)